Wednesday 3 September 2014

King Arthur


In this blog you will learn about King Arthur about Merlin , the Holy Grail and the Round Table.

Some people believe that King Arthur is just a legend but no one knows if it's true .
King Arthur was a King of Camelot a big castle which is in the south west England.
He probably lived in the 5th and 6th century.
There is a little video for you to watch.

Sunday 31 August 2014


Merlin is a legendary wizard in Arthurian Legend.

These are some facts about Merlin

  • Merlin was born at Caer Fyrddin which is now modern Carmarthen , today te city claims its oldest , legendary son .
  • Merlin's real name is Myrddin Emrys for the Sun God of the Celts.
  • According to legend , Merlin's father was a demon.
  • According to a legend , Merlin was asked to build Stonehenge.
  • During his yout Merlin is supposed to have lost family .
These were some facts about Merlin.

Monday 25 August 2014

The Holy Grail

The Quest for the Holy Grail Begins ...

What is the Holy Grail - Holy Grail is a cup of Last Supper and at the crucifixion
to have received blood flowing from Christ's side.

Holy Grail was brought to Britain by Jospeh of Arimathea
where it lay hidden for centuries .

King Arthur had a vision about the Holy Grail ,so the search for the vessel became principle quest for the Knights of the Round Table.

It was believed that the Holy Grail was kept in a mysterious castle
surrounded by a westeland and guarded by a custodian called the Fisher King,
who suffered from a wound that would not heal.

The Celtic myth of the Holy Grail is that if someone will drink from it
will choose the length of its life.

All of the Kinghts of the Round Table set out to begin the Quest,
Galahad for most of the time travels alone , smiting his enemies , helping his frinds ( Knights of the Round Table )
Three knights where travelling together their names where :

  • Sir Galahad 
  • Sir Bors
  • Sir Perceval 
Theses three knights came across Sir Perceval's sister who leads them to the Grail ship.
They cross the sea on the ship and when they arrive on a distant shore Perceval's sister died.
Sir Borts departs from the company in order to take her body back to her own country for a proper burial.

After many adventures , Sir Galahad and Sir Perceval find themselves at the court of King Pellas and Eliazar his son. 
These men are very holy and they bring Galahad into a room where he is finally allowed to see the
Holy Grail.
Galahad is asked to take the vessel to the Holy city of Sarras.

After seeing the Grail he may choose when he wants to die.
When he was making his way back to King Arthur he was visited by Joseph of Arimatea.

No one yet has found the Holy Grail and no one know where it is .

Written by Ola Kujawinska

Friday 22 August 2014

Round Table

 The Round Table is King Arthur's most famed table in Arthurian Legend .
Around this Table King Arthur and his knights gathered around.
Everyone who sits there has equal status.

The Knights of the Round Table were -

  • King Arthur
  • Sir Lancelot
  • Sir Gawain 
  • Sir Geraint
  • Sir Gareth
  • Sir Gaheris
  • Sir Bedivere
  • Sir Galahad
  • Sir Kay
  • Sir Bors de Ganis 
  • Sir Lamorak 
  • Sir Tristan
And many more because there were around 150 knights of the Round Table.

The Knights of the Round Table needed to follow those 12  rules :

  1. To never lay down arms
  2. To seek after wonders
  3. When called upon , to defend the rights of the weak with all one's strength 
  4. To injure no one
  5. Not to attack one another
  6. To fight for the safety of one's country
  7. To give one's life for one's country
  8. To seek nothing before honour 
  9. Never to break faith for any reason
  10. To practice religion most diligently
  11. To grant hospitality to anyone , which according to his ability
  12. Whether in honour or disgrace , to make a report with the greatest fidelity to truth to those who keep the annals.

The Round table was a Wedding Gift to Arthur and his wife Guinevere given by Guinevere's father .
Already there were around 100 knights of the Round Table out of 150.
Arthur asked Merlin to choose remaining memebers to bring full complement .

When all knights have assembled Merlin said to them
"Now on you must love one another and hold one another as dear as brothers, for from the love and sweetness of this table where you will be seated there will be born in your hearts such a great joy and friendship that you will leave your wives and children to be with one another and to spend your youth together ."

The names of the knights were engraved on their chairs.

Merlin left one chair left called the "Perilous" chair vacant to be filled by the great Knight  ( who would turn out to be Galahad the son of Lancelot )
at a time when the Quest for the Holy Grail begins.

There are two different Legends
because one is telling us  that Arthur pulled out the Excalibur  from the stone
and the second one is telling us that Sir Galahad pulled the sword out of the stone .

Written by Ola Kujawinska

Friday 25 July 2014

The End

Thank you for reading this blog I hope that you enjoyed reading it .
That is a short video about King Arthur