The Quest for the Holy Grail Begins ...

What is the Holy Grail - Holy Grail is a cup of Last Supper and at the crucifixion
to have received blood flowing from Christ's side.
Holy Grail was brought to Britain by Jospeh of Arimathea
where it lay hidden for centuries .
King Arthur had a vision about the Holy Grail ,so the search for the vessel became principle quest for the Knights of the Round Table.
It was believed that the Holy Grail was kept in a mysterious castle
surrounded by a westeland and guarded by a custodian called the Fisher King,
who suffered from a wound that would not heal.
The Celtic myth of the Holy Grail is that if someone will drink from it
will choose the length of its life.
All of the Kinghts of the Round Table set out to begin the Quest,
Galahad for most of the time travels alone , smiting his enemies , helping his frinds ( Knights of the Round Table )
Three knights where travelling together their names where :
- Sir Galahad
- Sir Bors
- Sir Perceval
Theses three knights came across Sir Perceval's sister who leads them to the Grail ship.
They cross the sea on the ship and when they arrive on a distant shore Perceval's sister died.
Sir Borts departs from the company in order to take her body back to her own country for a proper burial.
After many adventures , Sir Galahad and Sir Perceval find themselves at the court of King Pellas and Eliazar his son.
These men are very holy and they bring Galahad into a room where he is finally allowed to see the
Holy Grail.
Galahad is asked to take the vessel to the Holy city of Sarras.
After seeing the Grail he may choose when he wants to die.
When he was making his way back to King Arthur he was visited by Joseph of Arimatea.
No one yet has found the Holy Grail and no one know where it is .
Written by Ola Kujawinska